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  • 30
    years experience in the industry
  • 1.3 GW
    installed at more than 1,500 sites
  • 0
    financed deals

TotalEnergies in the U.S. has been diligently leading the way in renewable energy installation for commercial and community solar customers over the past decade.

Our renewable energy vision is bold, and so are those of our customers, making us the premier energy transformation partner for commercial and institutional organizations committed to their own ambitious sustainability and operational goals.

Our portfolio includes 1.3 GW in completed and ongoing solar projects, and more than 22 MW/56 MWh in energy storage projects installed in the private and public sectors. 

Our customers benefit from 30 years of proven solar development and construction expertise in North America, amplified by TotalEnergies’ unrivaled global financing and procurement power to enable new opportunities — both domestically and internationally. 

In an industry known for its volatility, TotalEnergies’ nearly century-long history and forward-looking renewable energy commitments deliver rare long-term strength and stability.

As project owners, we understand just how important it is to ensure the safe, reliable and productive long-term operation of our solar systems — this is why our customers keep choosing us for our expertise as a long-term partner in all aspects, from project development to operations and maintenance.

The first solar-powered high-speed heavy rail in the United States

TotalEnergies, the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA), and its Port Authority Transit Corporation (PATCO) subsidiary have deployed the first solar-powered high-speed heavy rail in the United States. It is one of the largest and most ambitious solar projects in the U.S. transportation industry.